"Hell may have no fury like a woman scorned but heaven hath no sweetness like a sports fan vindicated." - Samcat

Monday, February 12, 2007

Spring Fever Grips Hub!

A series of emails between coworkers.

David: It's never too early.

Kristen: I know! I'm stoked! And those pictures of Lester are great for several reasons.

D: Aside from the fact that he's healthy, which is just fantastic news, I'm just remembering now this weird bit of conversation from this time last year that went something like:

"We've got an awful lot of pitchers."
"Think they'll trade away someone?"
"They should. We'll be fine."

Lesson learned. Lesson definitely, absolutely learned.

K: Let’s hope Mr. Epstein has learned this lesson as well. I will not hesitate to call him and give him what for.

D: Seriously. But don't worry. I think Terry Francona would punch him in the stomach if he tried to trade a starter or potential starter.

K: And Tito routinely coughs up blood. That’s not someone you want to mess with.

D: Typical movie fight sequence:
"This one's for all those press conferences I had to sit through, answering the same goddamn questions!"
"This one's for having to talk to Wily Mo every day about why he can't get enough at-bats!"
"This one's for having to read about Arroyo's success in the NL!"
"This one's for having to read about the NL rookie of the year!"
"This one's for Jason Johnson!"
"This one's for Jason Johnson!"
"This one's for Jason Johnson!"
"This one's for Jason Johnson!"
"This one's for Jason Johnson!"
"This one's for Jason Johnson!"

K: While Manny just sits there, munching popcorn and playing with his Tonka trucks.

D: Eventually leaning over to whisper, giggling, "Who's the angry bald guy?"

K: “I bet he need some applesauce.”


A series of emails between Annette and myself:

Me: You are not at the truck? I thought you would be there.

Annette: No, not at the truck. I've never actually understood the point of going and watching the truck leave. It's just a truck. Filled with equipment and sunflower seeds. Now, if like the players were there or there was a raffle for Opening Day tickets or some shit, I'd TOTALLY be there.

Me: Jason Varitek, hitchin' a ride on the truck. Hee.

Annette: Exactly. That would be awesome and worth standing in the cold for. A bunch of boxes, not so much.

Me: I'll bet Tek has considered that. Since it'd be economical and all.

Annette: He would do it if he lived in MA. But they winter in Georgia, so he just walks to spring training. Helps get those legs in shape.

Me: With 10 gallon buckets of sunflower seeds in each hand.

Annette: He does squats at stop signs.

Me: Obviously.