For Those About to Rock

Rock. On.
Okay, I'll level with you. I'm thrilled there's no game tonight because that means I won't miss anything while rockin' out at the Bon Jovi concert at Gillette Stadium.
Go ahead, mock at will. But you KNOW deep down you're jealous. You KNOW it.
Amy and I have shirts and everything. I fully expect to meet my first ex-husband there.
What I'm wondering is, exactly how certain are we that Doug Mirabelli will make a cameo appearance? 65%? 80%? 92%? I'm just sayin', if Dougie hasn't rocked the hell out to "Livin' On a Prayer" or "Wanted Dead or Alive" while speeding down the highway in his beat up, red, Ford F-250, then everything I know about life is wrong.
I'm also calling an appearance by Bill Belichick as we know that he and Jon Bon are BFFs. (Weirdest. Pairing. Ever.)
I will bring back all Sox and Pats-related details.
As for the Sox. Sack up, boys. Objects in the rearview mirror are closer than they appear.
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