"Hell may have no fury like a woman scorned but heaven hath no sweetness like a sports fan vindicated." - Samcat

Friday, May 05, 2006

Barring a Brawl...

...is there another reason Rudy Seanez is still on the team?

I can't even begin to do justice to this question so I'll just let Red take it.

And since I'm still recovering from the Stomach Bug That Ate Boston, I'll turn it over to an email from The Rick that I received long about the eighth inning last night:

Watching the Sox tonight who looked to have this one in the bag - so let the jeers begin... "Rudy! Rudy! Rudy! The human gas can! Flame on!"

So please start a new website: www.getRudySeanezoutofBostonASAPandtakethat
before he really screws something up.

Now that's a website where the counter would look like the something you'd see at the gas pumps these days.

That, combined with Remy uttering the phrase "rolling his ankle" in reference to Papelbon which caused Amy to say, "I will now eat my face," are not exactly the kind of things a girl needs to make herself feel better. However, a win is a win is a win. Especially over those pain in the ass Blue Jays.

Tonight, El Bencho Millar makes his triumphant return to Boston. Now, I don't know about anybody else, but I kinda miss the guy.